ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
ClearCheckbook Knowledge Base

ClearCheckbook Knowledge Base

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Start Over

The Start Over page lets you delete all of your data and reset everything to their defaults. It essentially wipes your login clean and acts as if you just signed up.

You can find the Start Over page by clicking on Settings at the top right side of the page, then click on Start Over in the red box at the bottom of the page.

Using the Start Over form

You can choose to delete everything and start over completely fresh using this form. All transactions, accounts, categories, budgets, reminders, etc will be completely removed. Accounts and categories will be reset to their defaults.

To do this, simply click the red Reset my account button. You will be prompted to confirm you want to do this and then the process will begin.

Note: THIS IS A PERMANENT ACTION. If you reset everything through this form, nothing can be recovered.

Requesting Account Reset

If you would like to request all of your account data be removed and everything reset to the defaults without having to log in or do it yourself, you can contact the ClearCheckbook team and we can handle that for you. You can contact us by clicking the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page, or by clicking here.