ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
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Estimate Future Balances

The Estimate Future Balances tool takes your current account balance plus any post-dated transactions, upcoming recurring transactions and unpaid bills to estimate what your balance might be at a future date.

You can find the Estimate Future Balances tool by clicking on Tools at the top of the page, then click on the Estimate Future Balances link.
This tool is only available for ClearCheckbook Premium members.

Future Balances Form

You can use the form at the top of the Estimate Future Balances tool to set how far into the future you would like to project your balances and optionally which account(s) the estimation should use. A full explanation of the fields can be found in the table below.

Estimate Future Balances - Search Form
Sample search form
Field Description
Start Date This is when you would like to start the estimation. You can only set the current or future date. If you select a date in the past, the current date will be used.
Project balances to The end date you would like to project your future balances to.
Estimated additional withdrawals per month If you want to add any additional monthly withdrawals that aren't included in post-dated transactions, recurring transactions or upcoming bills, enter that amount here.
Estimated additional deposits per month If you want to add any additional monthly deposits that aren't included in post-dated transactions, recurring transactions or upcoming bills, enter that amount here.
Account You can narrow down the estimation to a specific account or accounts by changing that here. The default is to use All Accounts
Overdue Bills This checkbox only appears if you have overdue bills in the Bill Tracker. When checked, the sum of all your overdue bills will be calculated into your starting balance. This will give you a more realistic future balance since it will include those overdue bill payments even though they haven't been made.
After you've set all of your options, click the blue Estimate button below the form and your balances will be estimated to the projection date using post-dated transactions, recurring transactions and upcoming bills.

Report Graph

Your future balances will be calculated after you click the Estimate button in the search form. The first way you'll see your estimated balances is with the graphical report. This shows how each future transaction affects your balance through the end date you specified.

Estimate Future Balances - Graphical report
Sample graphical report
You can hover over the line on the report to see the actual balance and date.

Future Transactions List

The future transactions list shows all of the transactions that are being used to calculate your future balances. The first line will always be your current balance at the Start Date you selected in the search form.

The transaction list sorts the transactions from start date to end date. If the transaction is post-dated in your register it will appear with a Posted: date next to it. Upcoming bills will have a Bill Due tag next to them and upcoming recurring transactions will have a Reminder tag next to them.

Other information shown is which account and category this transaction is associated with. A running balance on the right side shows how each transaction affects your future balances.

Estimate Future Balances - Future Transactions list
Sample future transactions list

Monthly Balance Breakdown

The monthly breakdown shows what your balances will be at the end of each month, through the projected end date. Each month also show the total deposits, withdrawals and net gain/loss based on the estimated future transactions.

Estimate Future Balances - Monthly balance breakdown
Sample monthly balance breakdown