ClearCheckbook Money Manager App for Android
Have an Android enabled device? Now you can download the ClearCheckbook Money Manager App and have all of your finances right at your fingertips! The ClearCheckbook app is a completely free way to track your spending and saving, set budgets and more from any Android device with access to the Play Store.
- It's completely free!
- View your balances at a glance
- Quickly add and view your transactions
- Ability to manage your accounts and categories
- Transaction filtering / searching
- Very light weight - loads extremely fast
- Stay logged in to quickly manage your accounts
- Set up and view your Reminders / Recurring Transactions
- Basic offline mode
- Optional PIN / Biometric security
- View and manage bills through the Bill Tracker
- Manage your Budgets
- Running balances and custom fields for premium members
- Ability to log out for privacy
Screen Shots:

Account Overviews

Transaction Register

Add Transaction


Android App Help
You can find a full Help / FAQ page that covers how to use the Android app in our Knowledge Base