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Crypto Portfolio

The Crypto Portfolio is where you can track your crypto currencies to see your gain/loss as well as current prices for your investments. The Crypto Portfolio will show you your overall and 24 hour gain/loss as well as number of coins owned, last price and change.

You can find the Crypto Portfolio tool by clicking on Tools at the top of the page, then click on the Crypto Portfolio link.

Adding a Transaction

Click on the blue + New Crypto Transaction button to open the Add a Transaction form.

Crypto Portfolio - Add New Transaction button
Add new transaction button

The form that loads has all of the necessary information to add a new crypto transaction. The various form fields are shown in the screenshot and explained in the table below.

Crypto Portfolio - Add New Transaction form
Sample of the Add a Transaction form
Field Description
Coin This is the coin symbol / ticker, for example BTC for Bitcoin
Type This is the transaction type. The options are Buy and Sell
Date Traded The date you made the transaction.
Quantity The number of whole or fractional coins purchased.
Coin Price The price for one coin at the time of purchase.
Note Optional. You can enter an optional note here about the trade.

To search for a coin, start enterying the name or symbol of the coin and then select the appropriate coin from the drop down list. The top 300 coins based on market cap are available in the Crypto Portfolio

Crypto Portfolio - Select a coin
Sample of the coin selection dropdown
Click the Save button after you've added the trade details and the page will be reloaded with the details of the trade.

Coin List

The coins list is populated with all of your coins after you've made some purchases.

Crypto Portfolio - Coins List
Sample Coins list

The actual coins list consists of several different columns which are explained in the table below.

Column Description
Coin The name, symbol and icon of the coin you own.
Last Price This is the most current price for the coin in USD.
24h Change How much the investment has changed over the course of the last 24 hours. The change is listed in both percentage and USD.
Quantity How many coins you own.
Cost basis How much the coin has cost you. This follows the formula of (quantity * coin price at purchase)
Mkt value The market value, or how much your coins are worth. This is (quantity * current price)
Overall gain Your overall gain/loss for the coin. The difference is listed in both percentage and USD.

You can delete the coin here.

To edit the details of a trade, find the transaction in the Transaction List
The final row in the investment list is a Total row that sums the Cost basis, Mkt Value and Overall gain columns for your coins.

Transaction List

The Transactions List shows all of your individual buys and sells sorted by date, newest to oldest.

Crypto Portfolio - Transactions List
Sample of transactions list

The transaction list shows the following information:

Column Description
Coin This is the coin symbol.
Type This is either a Buy or Sell
Date The date the trade was made.
Quantity How many coins were involved in this trade.
Price The price of the coin at the time the trade was made.
Note Any notes you made about the transaction.
Actions You can edit or delete the trade here. The edit icon lets you change any details about the trade.

Clicking on the icon brings up an Edit Transaction form where you can modify the details of a transaction.

Crypto Portfolio - Edit a Transaction
Sample of editing a transaction

If you need to search for a trade that you made, you can enter the coin symbol in the search box at the top right side of the Transactions list. When you click Search, the list will display only the transactions for that coin.

Crypto Portfolio - Transaction Search by Coin
Sample of transactions search