ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
ClearCheckbook Knowledge Base

ClearCheckbook Knowledge Base

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Custom Transaction Fields

The Custom Transaction Fields page lets you enable/disable the Check Number, Memo, Payee and File Attachment fields when adding and editing transactions.

You can find the Custom Transaction Fields settings by clicking on Settings at the top right side of the page, then click on Manage Custom Transaction Fields under the Premium Membership header.

Breakdown of Custom Fields

When any of these fields are enabled, you will be able to see them on the Add and Edit Transaction forms and they will also appear in the Transaction Register and Search results.

Field Description
Check Number This field can be used for check numbers or other short text. (limit: 32 characters)
Payee You can enter any information into this field, but typically it would be a person or company name. Auto-complete suggestions appear in this field. (limit: 255 characters)
Memo You can enter any additional information about a transaction here. Auto-complete suggestions appear in this field. (limit: 255 characters)
Attach a File When enabled, you can attach a file to a transaction. Max file size: 10MB. PDF, JPG and PNG files allowed.

The example below shows an Add Transaction form with all of the custom fields enabled.

Custom Transaction Fields - All Fields Enabled
All custom fields enabled

Custom Fields on Mobile Apps

If you enable the check number, memo or payee field on the website, those fields will also be available on the iOS and Android apps. You might have to sign out and then sign back into the app after turning on or off any of the fields to see those changes properly reflected in the app.