ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy

Testimonials from ClearCheckbook Users

"You are lifesavers! I am legally blind and do most everything on my computer because I can use Windows 7, high contrast setting, with dark background, LARGE fonts, etc. I had to leave my old checkbook program because I could no longer deal with it. Finally got into yours and I am ecstatic. I now have the household finances back under control and you have more features that I will be exploring and using, too. We visually impaired really can use Clear Checkbook with no problem. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Member since December 2011

"We give ourselves $400/month to spend on groceries, entertainment, going out to eat, buying clothes, and other accessories. By using this site, we NEVER go over our budget! My husband and I both use this site, so it keeps us on the same page! Thank you SOOOO much!"

Brenda from Phoenix, AZ
Member since February 2007

"My son turned me on to Clearcheckbook. He loaded some historic transactions from Money, as I sat kicking and screaming about the idea of leaving Microsoft Money after many years.

Boy, was I glad I did. I was so dependent on Money projection where I'd be at month end. Would I run out of money ($.$$) before I ran out of bills? Clearcheckbook makes planning upcoming expenditures so easy and straight forward, which is the feature I like best.

Your software is worth way more the to cost of annual renewal.

Thanks for the terrific software!!!"

Member since December 2017

"I really like ClearCheckbook. It has all the features I want plus several others that may prove helpful from time to time. Multiple times a week I use my Register, Add a Transaction, Import Transactions (CSVs), and the Profit/Loss report. I love how clicking on an item in the report opens the constituent transactions in a new tab. I love that this is not linked to my bank account but I can import my transactions (downloaded from my bank) so there's no need to enter those manually. Love that I can add my own categories and choose not to assign categories to imports or single transactions.

I really love that it's not glitchy. I've worked with other software with flashier interfaces but if learning (or remembering) how to find a feature takes forever – and if there are frequent glitches – those can be a real pain to use. ClearCheckbook is straightforward and tidy and it seems to work seamlessly."

Member since April 2018

"For years, I've used a checkbook for my Android devices and it served me well. The downside is that if the app failed, I'd lose all my checkbook entries. So I had to keep a backup hand-written checkbook too -- which made balancing a lot of work. With this program, everything is stored in the cloud and accessible across all my devices and I don't have to worry about the paper checkbook anymore and I get great reports besides! Thanks so much for a great program! "

Robert from Houston, TX
Member since July 2014

"After testing several money management systems I stayed with ClearCheckBook because it's easy to use and very robust at the same time. For 4 years now it has helped me to control my personal finances to the point that every decision I now make about purchasing something I come to ClearCheckBook to see if i can afford it."

Jesus from Monterrey, Mexico
Member since August 2007

"Microsoft has stopped all support for their financial program MONEY. I had Money 2002 and liked it because I only used the basic features. After recently upgrading to a new laptop/Windows 7, Money no longer worked (too bad, so sad). Quicken had too much stuff in it. was hard to figure it and again, wanted to completely take over my financial business. was a great find for me. Started using right away, easy to figure out and use. Will be moving to the paid version (a whole $4.00 a month) but that is only for the running totals. I was leery about using an online system. has given me great comfort in this new way."

Daan - Member since April 2010

"In the time I have been with ClearCheckBook, every facet of my finances has improved. Whether it be the reports showing exactly where every single dollar is going, or the reminder/recurring transactions calendar that helps me keep up to date with bills, or maybe the fact that I now have a better grasp of budgeting my funds with the Limits gadget. Regardless, the site is set up for easy useage and remains the ultimate personal finance site for any individual, family or small business. There are so many other features offered that are available that will help anyone tackle their finances no matter what the goal be: whether it be budgeting, proposing, or even if you just simply want an online checkbook without taking the risk of sacraficing any of your personal information"

Member since June 2009

"I started using as a way to track my cashflow after I started working. It has now become a great way of knowing where my money is coming and going. ClearCheckbook allows me to have a snapshot of how much money I have and where I spend most of my money on each month."

Max from Hong Kong
Member since October 2006

" has solved the problem of the shared checkbook for my wife and me. Now I can see what's going on with our finances without her and her purse at home!"

Chris from Abingdon, VA
Member since February 2008

"I have been using Microsoft Money for many years. Since Microsoft discontinued the product I have been looking for an alternative. I have tried many different online packages but ClearCheckbook was the clear winner. I LOVE the Android application so that I can enter items on the fly. You guys are doing a great job, thanks for making life a lot easier for me."

Member since February 2010

"Before finding I had tried many different ways to keep my check register and categorize expenses including spreadsheets, desktop software, and web applications. Nothing gave me the flexibility, simplicity, and control that gives me. I feel so much more secure not having to provide my bank account information, user name and password. is great, I recommend it all the time."

John from Haskins, OH
Member since June 2009

"As a tech-savvy college student, using a traditional check register just didn't cut it for me. Being able to update my finances at home or on my phone allows me to stay on top of my money in a quick, convenient way. The budgeting capabilities available on the site also help out because, for me, every penny counts."

Justin from Houston, TX
Member since September 2007

"This is by far the BEST check management program out there, and it is largely free. It is simple, straightforward, answers questions and queries as they occur to the user in plain, clear English, and is a joy to work with. Glitches are addressed expeditiously, the forum is quite useful, and, in sum, after being buried in all the multiple problems of Quicken (access to tech support, overwhelming options, clunky data saving files, etc.), I feel like I've emerged from a long, dark tunnel into light!"

Larry from Tuscaloosa, AL
Member since July 2010
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