At ClearCheckbook, we strongly believe in the importance of financial literacy and having a good grasp on where your money is going. Student loan debt now tops $1 trillion (averaging over $24,000 per graduate) and is higher than both auto loans and credit card debt. Student loans also have the highest 90+ day delinquency rate out of mortgages, auto loans and credit card debt.
Budget Calculator Set up budgets and see how much you spend toward them each month. |
Bill Tracker Track your monthly bills. Find out when you last paid your bill and for how much. |
Connect Your Bank to ClearCheckbook Connect your bank and have your transactions downloaded automatically. |
Reminders / Recurring Transactions Create reminders and recurring transactions so you never forget to pay a bill again. |
Debt Snowball Payoff your debts and loans faster with our Debt Snowball calculator. |
Import Transactions Import CSV, OFX, QFX and QIF files so you don't have to manually add your old transactions. |
Future Balances Project your balances to a future date to see how much money you might have in your accounts. |
Investment Portfolio Keep track of your investments with our Investment Portfolio. Track stocks, bonds, mutual funds and any other investment that has a ticker. |
Asset Manager Manage assets, such as your home, and their values to see how your net worth changes over time. |
Spending Reports View all of your spending and saving data in several report formats including line, bar, pie and text reports. |
Save-Up Tracker Do you have something you want to save up for? Use our Save-Up Tracker to enter your goals and we'll help keep track of your progress. |
Envelope Budgets Use the Envelope system for setting and tracking your budgets. |
Crypto Portfolio See how the value of your crypto coins has changed over time. |
Transaction Register Easily view all your transactions in our register. |
Financial Dashboard All of your financial data at a quick glance on our Dashboard. |