ClearCheckbook Money Management
A leader in financial management tools since 2006. We Specialize in Budgets, Account Reconciliation, Spending and Saving Reports, Net Worth Metrics and More!
ClearCheckbook Money Management
- Create budgets
- View spending and income reports
- Manage your debt
- Track and pay bills
- Set reminders and recurring transactions
- Estimate future balances
- Import and export transactions
- View your account across all your devices
- We're free to sign up and start using
- Plus much more. Take a tour of our financial tools to learn more!
We're more than a simple transaction register
ClearCheckbook is your all encompassing financial management tool. While our foundation is a transaction register, we built many financial tools on top of that such as a Bill Tracker, Budgeting Tools, Reports, Investment Portfolio, Saving Goal Tracker and more.
Enter your transactions manually or connect your bank to ClearCheckbook and have your transactions automatically downloaded. Once your transactions are in ClearCheckbook, the full power of our financial tools becomes apparent.
ClearCheckbook is helping customers manage over 191 million transactions (and counting)! Sign up today and see how ClearCheckbook can help you with your financial goals.
Use Budgets to Watch Your Spending
Ottieni una migliore presa sulla tua spesa impostando i budget.
You can also go back and look at previous months limits and how close to your limit you came. This is a great way of figuring out areas you can cut back in your spending.

Traccia le Tue Fatture
Tieni traccia delle bollette che hai pagato e scopri quali saranno presto scadute.
The Bill Tracker can also easily be hooked into our Reminders and Recurring Transactions system so you can be notified whenever you have upcoming bills or you can have our system automatically post the transaction to your register.

Traccia le tue Spese e Risparmi
I nostri rapporti forniscono informazioni dettagliate su dove stanno andando i tuoi soldi e quanto stai risparmiando.
We make it extremely easy to find areas you can cut back on spending and make it easier for you to realize where to cut back in order to save money.

Schedule Transactions and Reminders
Programma automaticamente depositi salariali, pagamenti di utenze e altro ancora.)
We can also take these recurring transactions and use them to project future balances so you'll have an idea of where your finances will be months from now.

Tutte le vostre finanze a colpo d'occhio
Una panoramica di tutte le tue finanze in un'unica posizione facile da trovare.
Puoi fare qualsiasi cosa, dall'aggiunta di transazioni, al bilanciamento del tuo libretto degli assegni, alla visualizzazione rapporti, controllo dei saldi, controllo del budget e altro ancora.

Gestione Movimenti
Il vecchio registro del libretto degli assegni aggiornato per l'età moderna.
We will calculate the overall balances for both your uncleared and cleared totals so you'll never accidentally overdraw your account again. This is also a great way of making sure the bank didn't make an error and charge you for something you didn't purchase.

Funzioni Premium disponibili
We offer over 65 additional features, tools and settings with our ClearCheckbook Premium upgrade.
- Connect to your bank
- Saldi correnti
- Automatic Backups to Dropbox
- File Attachments for Transactions
- Storico Transazioni
- Campi personalizzati: Numero Assegno, Memo, Pagati
- Limit Histories
- Multiple users per account
- Stime dei saldi nel futuro
- Importing CSV files
- Over 60 additional tools, features and settings

Two Methods of Entering your Data:
Connect to a bank and sync your data
Manually enter or import your data
Gestione del denaro incentrata sulla privacy e sulla sicurezza
ClearCheckbook is committed to keeping your financial data safe and secure. 256-bit SSL Encryption is always enabled when you're accessing ClearCheckbook. All sensitive data such as passwords are never stored in plain text anywhere on our servers. Added security features such as 2 Factor Authentication help give an extra layer of protection to your data as well.

ClearCheckbook is Everywhere You Are
Semplifichiamo la gestione delle tue finanze fornendo l'accesso ai tuoi dati da qualsiasi dispositivo dotato di connettività Internet. Con ClearCheckbook non devi avere la sensazione che tutti i tuoi dati finanziari siano intrappolati sul tuo PC. is an extremely easy way to balance your checkbook online, track your spending, set a budget, manage your money and more. As an online checkbook, you enter your receipts into the site and assign each transaction to an account and category. You can go back through the online checkbook register and mark transactions as "Cleared". This way you will always know what transactions have been cleared with the bank and how much money you have. We also use the account/categories you assign a transaction to generate reports and use them for your budgets.
We encourage you to try the site out and see how it can help you manage your money and get your finances under control. The site is completely free to sign up and use. We also have some additional premium features that can be activated for a very small monthly payment.
Además de nuestro sitio web principal, también ofrecemos aplicaciones de administración de dinero creadas específicamente para dispositivos móviles iPhone, iPad y Android. Todas nuestras aplicaciones se sincronizan directamente con el sitio web para que siempre esté al tanto de sus finanzas.
La gestione del denaro è ora più importante che mai. Poiché tutti sono più interessati a ridurre i budget, è estremamente importante avere a disposizione un potente strumento per tenere traccia di tutte le tue spese e risparmi, nonché visualizzare i report e impostare i budget. Take a tour of our financial tools and see if ClearCheckbook is the right tool for helping you manage your money.
Don't just take it from us...
Our customers are our biggest fans. Here's a glimpse at what some of them are saying.
"I really like ClearCheckbook. It has all the features I want plus several others that may prove helpful from time to time. Multiple times a week I use my Register, Add a Transaction, Import Transactions (CSVs), and the Profit/Loss report. I love how clicking on an item in the report opens the constituent transactions in a new tab. I love that this is not linked to my bank account but I can import my transactions (downloaded from my bank) so there's no need to enter those manually. Love that I can add my own categories and choose not to assign categories to imports or single transactions.
I really love that it's not glitchy. I've worked with other software with flashier interfaces but if learning (or remembering) how to find a feature takes forever – and if there are frequent glitches – those can be a real pain to use. ClearCheckbook is straightforward and tidy and it seems to work seamlessly."
"For years, I've used a checkbook for my Android devices and it served me well. The downside is that if the app failed, I'd lose all my checkbook entries. So I had to keep a backup hand-written checkbook too -- which made balancing a lot of work. With this program, everything is stored in the cloud and accessible across all my devices and I don't have to worry about the paper checkbook anymore and I get great reports besides! Thanks so much for a great program! "