As we said in our
previous blog post, we completely overhauled the way your account balances are calculated. The vast majority of you won't notice any difference in your balances, but some of you might. We want to address a few common questions that might arise due to this update.
Question: Why are there new accounts called No Account in my account list?
Answer: No Account appears when you have transactions in your register that don't belong to an account. This can be caused by adding transactions and not selecting an account to add them to or by deleting an account but not the associated transactions. To remove these from your list of account balances, simply click on the No Account link and then edit the transactions so they belong to an account or delete them.
Question: Why are my balances different than they were before the update?
Answer: The balances that now appear on the site are calculated by adding up every transaction you've added to your register. It's possible your previous balances were off by a little bit and you didn't notice. If the balances are incorrect, go back and make sure all of the transactions you've entered into the site also appear on your bank statements and that the amounts match.
Question: Where is the Refresh Balances link?
Answer: Since the balances are calculated on demand each time you load the page, there's no need for the Refresh Balances link. In the old method of handling balances, that link was needed if the balances were incorrect and needed to be re-calculated. Now, each time the page loads it's essentially like clicking the Refresh Balances link.
It's not backwards at all. The balances automatically refresh which means there is absolutely no need for the Refresh Balances link. That was just there previously in case the balances were incorrect. The new updates ensure that the balances are correct every time (by essentially automatically running the same functions the Refresh Balances script would have)
When I'm on a particular Account register page - these accounts do not show in the Account Overview -- only on the home screen.
We've fixed this issue.
Things now seem to balance and stay reflective of the selected account each time. This was an annoyance that I am very happy to see addressed. Thanks!
After doing a search for 'credit card payment', I see that the 'credit' side of several payments to that account no longer exist. That is to say, there are debits from the various bank accounts that I made payments from, with no matching credit to the problematic account. The missing credits seem to begin in March of 2009 and date back to when I made the first payment in February of 2008.
Interestingly, beginning with a payment made on 12/18/08 (and going backwards in time), the payment transactions do not have the 'Transfer' tag. Not sure if that's significant.
When I enter a new transaction - the overall balance doesn't update as you've stated it should. I have to go to another page and come back since the refresh button is gone. I am using firefox and tried it on IE and noticed the same issue.
What could I be doing wrong?
If we can get a little more information from you such as what page you're trying to add transactions from and the method you're adding them (the add transaction link at the top of the page vs. the add transaction gadget) we can work on figuring out what's going on.