ClearCheckbook Money Management
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Upgrading ClearCheckbook hardware due to increased growth

1/2/2020 in ClearCheckbook Updates

ClearCheckbook has been growing and is quickly reaching the limits of our current server setup. To address this, we're doubling the memory for our database and increasing the number of CPUs that serve the site.

With the increased traffic we've been seeing, the site has had started exhausting its current resources. This expresses itself by the site running extremely slow or showing a timeout warning. We're doubling the amount of memory given to our database and are dialing in the increased number of CPUs required to help serve the site as quickly as possible.

There might be some more slowdowns in the site loading times while the database rebuilds its cache.

We look forward to ClearCheckbook's continued growth and all of the new features that ClearCheckbook V5 will bring.

Comments for this post:

Thank you for service and all that you do for a great product!
by Sonja06 on Jan 7, 2020
Yes, I agree with previous comment :)
by Sky_21 on Jan 11, 2020



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