ClearCheckbook Money Management
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CheckBot Update: Limits for Categories

6/19/2007 in ClearCheckbook Updates
CheckBot has been updated to give you the ability to access your category limits. To do this, make sure you don't have any accounts and categories with the same code, then enter the same message to checkbot with your category code.

For example, I have a category set up for food with the code of "f". To get the limit for my food category, I would enter "lim f" and CheckBot will reply with my limit.

Remember, if you're using a cellphone, enter the message as "clearcheckbook:lim f" with the number as 265010.

Comments for this post:

Whoo hoo!! I've been waiting on this update . . . cant' wait to try in out. Thanks and keep up the good work!
by FutureCodeDevStyle on Jun 25, 2007
i'm using this a lot ... but is there a way to get the amount as well and not just the percentage?

by firetree on Jun 27, 2007



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