We've been busy working behind the scenes on a huge amount of updates to the site. The biggest of these updates is the way account balances are calculated. Previously, account balances were stored separately in the database which could cause some issues with the correct balances being shown on the site. To remedy this, we've gone back and updated and re-coded a lot of the site so the balances are calculated on demand each time the page is loaded. This means that at any given time, the balances that appear on the site are the correct balances based on the transactions you've added. We've created a separate blog post that covers some FAQ's about this new update. That blog post can be found here:
In addition to that giant overhaul, we've also gone back and worked on optimizing the server interaction behind each page to dramatically cut down on the number of database queries which directly affects the load time of each page. For example, on the Dashboard page alone, we cut the number of database queries to 1/4 what they previously were.
We also made a few smaller updates such as being able to jive a transaction through the Edit Transaction form. There were also a few small bugs we addressed while going through all of these updates.
On top of all that, we've also added a new tool to the site. We have been getting requests for a Money Lending Tracker for a while now and finally built one. The new Money Lending Tracker can be found by clicking on Tools and then Money Lending Tracker. This new tool lets you track who owes you money as well as who you have borrowed money from. There is an associated gadget with this tool that can be added to your Dashboard.
We hope you find these latest updates and features useful! We are always looking for feedback and suggestions for future improvements to the site as well. If you have an idea for a new feature, tool or update to the site, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom right side of the page and let us know!
The "Money Lending Tracker" is a nice feature, although it would be more useful if I could add an account associated to the trasaction - afterall, the money either come from an account or has arrived to one, right?
(of course I could create an tansaction with "deposit" in case of borrowing or "withdraw" in case of lending, but this is a bit too much)
(oh, I really liked the quick research link after each budget categorie)
Keep with the good work!