ClearCheckbook Money Management
Money Management Made Easy
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We\'ve got some huge updates around the corner

7/25/2014 in ClearCheckbook News
We've been hard at work the last couple of months on completely overhauling the code behind ClearCheckbook. The technology running the site you see and use today remains relatively unchanged since we launched ClearCheckbook V3 and the premium service back at the end of 2008.

A lot has changed since we built V3. Old technology stops being supported and new technology comes in and takes its place. The goal of ClearCheckbook V4 is to modernize the site to help us quickly and easily release updates that can take advantage of the latest developments in both the computing and mobile world.

The next version of ClearCheckbook will be fully responsive (so it scales properly based on screen resolution) and the design will be more consistent throughout the various tools. We're going to great lengths to make sure we don't change the layout too much so you'll still be able easily recognize and perform all the same tasks you do right now.

The logo is also getting an upgrade. We got rid of the bevel and drop shadow and updated the check mark and checkbook. The new logo has been added to the current site while we finish up V4.

Over the next few months we'll slowly start opening up V4 to testing starting at an invite only basis for some of our most active users. We want to make sure the transition between the current site and v4 is as smooth as possible so getting real hands-on feedback will help tremendously with that effort.

Here are a couple screenshots from our current development site running V4. The screenshots show the updated Dashboard page as well as the updated Reminders / Recurring Transaction tool. You can see that everything looks pretty much the same as the current site but it has an updated look and feel.

ClearCheckbook V4 Account DashboardClearCheckbook V4 Reminders Tool

Some of the colors/sizing/layout will probably change slightly based on the feedback we get during testing but for the most part what you see above will be very close to what the final V4 release will look like.

When I built ClearCheckbook back in 2005 for my own personal use I definitely didn't foresee the site that we have today. With over a quarter million users and over fifty million transactions (with tens of thousands more being added daily) I couldn't be prouder of how the site's grown over the years.

Thanks for all your support and I look forward to providing you with the best money management tool out there!


Comments for this post:

The new design seems great! Good job! :D
by michelerp on Jul 25, 2014
As usual, looks fabulous. Look forward to seeing it live!
by cswroe on Jul 25, 2014
This look great
Looks like the dashboard will be more flexible with the widgets.
by luxlioness on Jul 26, 2014
new option
One option I would like to see in the new version is an "Un-Post" option for transactions. There is the "Post Now", but I have clicked on that by mistake a few times, then have to go through a bunch of manual edits to un-do it and get back to "normal". Some kind of an Undo would be good to eliminate a lot of manual editing of the transactions. Other than that, everything looks and works great for me. Thanks!!
by mryan2323 on Jul 29, 2014
I love it, awesome job!
by aMiTo on Jul 29, 2014
I use this site almost everyday and have been for quite a few years! Please send me an invite to test the latest version soonest!
by croberts59 on Jul 30, 2014
It sure will be nice to see a change, looking like its gonna be a great one.
by gmeyer8 on Jul 30, 2014
Great job!
Looking awesome!
by mdwyer on Aug 4, 2014
Mobile App Update?
For the mobile app, please make it easier to select multiple transactions to jive at one time like you can on the web. The update looks great! This program has simplified the financial accounting for me and my wife. I recommend it to any and everyone that will listen.

by leyjean on Aug 7, 2014
re: up dates
First: Thanks and congratulations on the forthcoming V4 version

Second: I am just, this month, a new Premium subscriber, a computer and financial illiterate

Third: I learn by "hit and miss" methods. I'm an "over the hill" duffer and as such slow on the uptake of for ideas, hence, I have a hard time understanding your tutorials and instructions.

Fourth: I make too many mistakes with my typing and too few ways to edit (delete) my errors.

Fifth: I have not found a convenient way to add categories to the "Parent Category" so I can group sub-categories together, i.e., Fees and Services" under Parent Category so as to include bank fees, ATM entries, loans, etc. Maybe even a "Life Style" Parent Category, just to mention a possible two or three. (I hope that I am a little clearer than mud)

OTHER THAN THAT, I really like the overall program, so much more so than with the replaced the program

Best wishes and regards

Ray Hunter

P.S., I will probably use only the Check Register features
by rehunter on Aug 11, 2014
Good job
Looking forward to the changes. Glad you keep updating and changing the presentation.

The screenshots look very polished.

It took me a long to finally switch out of Quicken because of all the foreign currency requirements. Your site is the only one that fits all my needs. Thank for all your work!

by cruzcampos on Aug 22, 2014
Please add column width option
Very happy with Clear Checkbook, but why all this blank space on the right side of the registers???? I have several accounts with amounts over 100k and the columns are NOT wide enough which causes the Jived/Overall amounts to be crunched together, which makes it very hard to read the balances! Please make column size adjustment a user option.

Thanks for all of your hard work making this such a great product - I don't miss Quicken at all!!!!!
by Never Too Much on Sep 4, 2014
Looking forward to...
... continued progress, keep up the great work. If you need a beta tester, holler over this way! Keep it up!!!
by mitchellws on Sep 30, 2014
Been with you for what seems forever I open this program several times a day I use it for all cash credit and banking funtions I would be lost without it Thanks for your time
by rcollins001 on Oct 3, 2014
Been using your tool for years now and love it. Looking forward to trying out the new version. I would love to try out the Beta version if you still need beta testers.

Keep up the good work.
by dzap79 on Oct 25, 2014
Beta Testing
I have been an active heavy user since 2011 and would like to participate in your testing if you have space available.
by rcmoreno on Nov 5, 2014
I have been an active heavy user since 2009 and would like to participate in your testing if you have space available.
by sag230 on Nov 15, 2014
Probably coming back.
I left because I wanted the automatic transactions that Quicken had to offer. But Quicken is so clunky when working with Windows. I never had those kind of problems when I was using Clear Checkbook. I see your new responsive design and have been testing on a Chromebook. Your software is simply fast and quick. Not like Quicken. Yuck. :)
by sabotin on Nov 18, 2014
Love your site!
I've been using this site for all of my checkbook needs for well over a year now and I love it! The functionality is great and I'm looking forward to the color and layout changes that are around the corner. Congrats on your success thus far and keep up the amazing work! :)
by sarahjayne5 on Nov 22, 2014
Please Include Me
ClearCheckbook is great and I would love to be included on the Beta testing...I use your site all the time and many times a day to see my finance picture at a glance.
by godsfavor65 on Nov 26, 2014
Beta testing
I'd like to give V4 a shot.
by axslingr on Dec 5, 2014
Projected release
Is there an anticipated release time for V4?
by gf23798 on Jan 8, 2015
reports on spending
If I have a living expense for medical bills, can I obtain a report showing money spent broken down such at


Dr Visits


Plan D

Delta Dental
by bobgibson13 on Jan 31, 2015



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