ClearCheckbook Money Management
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V2 Development Update

5/16/2007 in ClearCheckbook News
I just wanted to keep everyone updated on how the status of the version 2 development was going. There have been a few unexpected wrenches thrown at us while trying to get the new version coded (mainly the server experiencing major performance issues). In addition to those issues, all of the code is being re-written for the next version to help improve performance and reduce any errors.

Beta testing should be opening within the next two weeks or so once we have a little more of the site finished. As of now, the main accounts page is functioning with new jiving and sorting capabilities, plus work on a new "quick add" form is almost finished.

Rather than rush out a beta version of the site, we would rather spend a little extra time making sure things work the way we want. Thanks for sticking with us and stay tuned for a new post shortly which details the beta testing process.


Comments for this post:

V2 Feature List
Is there a feature list available highlighting the differences between V1 and V2?


by beaudetious on May 25, 2007



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