I wanted to give everyone an update on where we stand with the mobile apps. We have been putting the finishing touches on our API that we're using to interact with the apps and have been making some good progress on the apps themselves.
We will be adding a ClearCheckbook app to the Android marketplace and Palm WebOS App Catalog some time the week of February 1st. The iPhone application will be added soon after those.
After releasing the apps we will be opening up our API so other people can start developing for more devices and platforms (like the blackberry and various widgets for sites all over the web).
We will post more information when the apps are released.
Can't wait for your Android App. Thanks so much!!!
by larrywoods on Jan 23, 2010
App for iTouch.
Wonder if it will work with the iTouch as well. I guess right?
by eerobat on Jan 26, 2010
can't wait for a iphone app.
by shadow on Jan 28, 2010
Anything for the Blackberry?
by 453silverbell on Jan 29, 2010
Sync Question
Will the apps sync when you add a transaction via the web??? Great news, I've acutually been looking for a good app but I think I'll hold off for now.
by lsufan861 on Jan 29, 2010
eerobat: The app will also work on the iTouch.
453silverbell: After finishing these applications we're going to release our API so people more familiar with Blackberry devices can start building a blackberry app.
lsufan861: Yes, the applications will sync with the site. Everything that's done on one will be reflected on the other (eg: you add a transaction on the site, it'll show up in the app)
by Brandon on Jan 29, 2010
Can't wait for the android app! Will it be a free app when released?
by joelankow on Jan 29, 2010
They will be free
All the apps will be free. We may have some pay apps down the road that offer some more advanced features, but for now, these are all free.
The WebOS app is currently being reviewed and the android app is getting close to completion.
by Brandon on Jan 29, 2010
Windows Mobile
Any chance we can see some type of app for Windows Mobile devices?
by j.barrett83.old.1739993105 on Jan 31, 2010
iphone app
Just checked out the screen shots for the Palm app and it looks great! Can't wait for the iphone app!
by sws378 on Feb 2, 2010
I am glad you worked on the Palm App, I was worried Iphone would get all the attention:)
by crenshawvanderzyden on Feb 3, 2010
iPhone App
Any idea of how long till the iPhone app will be released?
by ClevelandRob on Feb 15, 2010
Desperate for the iPhone App!
Without wanting to sound desperate.... how much longer will it be before the iPhone App is released? I believe we've been waiting longer than any of the other platform users for this. I've been trawling the App store every day since your latest update and really hope they'll be something in the next few days?
by sbrowne on Feb 16, 2010
Still waiting!
Hi, I really thought the iPhone app would have been available in the App Store by now, but I've just checked and still can't find it! Can we have an update on an ETA please?
by sbrowne on Feb 28, 2010
Has it been submitted to Apple and is it awaiting approval.....or are you still working on it? Looking forward to the app being available!
by kwestby on Mar 5, 2010
iPHONE UPDATE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ClevelandRob on Mar 5, 2010
Great Job!
Thank you for this free program! The iPhone app is going to be a very nice improvement to this already seamless application!
by fireski on Mar 5, 2010
iPhone app
date for the iPhone app??? Thanks for the service...I'm re-upping my Premium service contract today!
by daveimre57@gmail.com on Mar 15, 2010
Looking forward to the iPhone app, but disappointed that the Android and Palm apps were released before the iPhone....especially since the iPhone users have been waiting for so long for the app. Please provide an update on the status of the app.
by kwestby on Mar 28, 2010
Are there any version for the blackberry out yet. I have an Android phone and my wife has a blackberry. It would be very nice if we could have our finances synced up to the same software.
453silverbell: After finishing these applications we're going to release our API so people more familiar with Blackberry devices can start building a blackberry app.
lsufan861: Yes, the applications will sync with the site. Everything that's done on one will be reflected on the other (eg: you add a transaction on the site, it'll show up in the app)
The WebOS app is currently being reviewed and the android app is getting close to completion.