ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook V3 Update

9/19/2008 in ClearCheckbook News
It has been a little while since we gave an update to the progress of ClearCheckbook version 3. Over the past few months we've been working very hard to get everything updated and added to the new version of the site. As of now, we only have two more features to rebuild for the new site (Reminders and Reports) plus a few more smaller additions and general cleanup.

We are looking to launch our private beta testing of the site in about 2 weeks and will use that time to fix any bugs and finalize the layout and other things like that.

We're sorry for the slight delay in launching the new version, but we want to make sure everything is there and working smoothly before the launch.

In a couple weeks I will post more information about the beta testing and how to sign up for it if you're interested.

Comments for this post:

Native iPhone client
Thanks much for the update. Any word on the iPhone native client?
by on Sep 19, 2008
I am really looking forward to this. Thank you for all your hard work.

Have y'all considered making this a subscription website?
by luxlioness on Sep 20, 2008
I would love to be a beta tester!!!
by jmosley on Sep 20, 2008
Pick me Pick me
I too would love to be a beta tester. I am a programmer in training.
by sgarc90 on Sep 21, 2008
You guys are awesome! I can't wait for the Native iPhone client either. I've been telling everyone I know with issues balancing a checkbook about this site. It's so great. Keep up the good work.
by Kryptinite on Sep 22, 2008
I have an Ipod Touch... looking forward to the Iphone app. Please, please say it'll work without a wifi connection. That's the *one* thing I need to commit to ClearCheckbook forever!
by jenniferp417 on Sep 30, 2008
Software Engineer - Willing to beta test
Hello I've sent CCB e-mails before requesting to be a beta tester for v3.

I am a full time Soft Engineer (Consultant) and would be more then happy to beta test the new version. Feel free to reach out to me if interested.
by neomoon on Sep 30, 2008
Yes please, i love beta testing new software, kinda my thing back in college :) Please unroll it to my account i'd love to give you valuable feed back! thanks!!
by eliseoperez05 on Oct 7, 2008
Any chance ...
Ive just joined ClearCheckBook after extensive research on budget software to us on iPhone. What I love bout this web app is that both my wife and I can similtaneously input data from where ever we are and have the data live realtime on both of our phones. Is the native iPhone app going to continue to be linked to the web site? (see moneytrackin).

Any chance you could include the budget targets on the web app or native app. Being able to review the budget performance each month rather than just the current month would also be helpful. A budget roll over fuction would also be good

Last of all (I know I ask a lot) can you allow me to set the time? As Im in Australia often the time stamp will be incorrect due to us being 20hrs ahead of the US.

Well done on the great work this is by far the best budget application online (free or paid) that will allow multiple users access from a mobile.
by jonsoph on Nov 21, 2008



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