ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook Reaches 50 Million Transactions

5/5/2014 in ClearCheckbook News
We've passed another milestone today by now storing over 50 million transactions that our users have entered. We're averaging about 28,000 new transactions added each day which is a huge amount!

We're extremely happy to see the site continually growing and we have some great updates planned for the future. We'll post more information about these updates over the next couple of months.

Thanks again for using ClearCheckbook!

Comments for this post:

I'm happy things are going well with the site. I don't know what I'd do without it!
by twim7693 on May 6, 2014
Well done!
Keep doing what you are doing!
by MJRoberts55 on May 14, 2014
No,.. Thank.. You !
Great Job, Sir :)
by tidzar on May 14, 2014
This site continues to be a valuable resource to me and well worth the premium subscription. Thanks!
by mdwyer on May 21, 2014
how can I get my transaction on my acct to show, this day it all clear except to a deposit, but I can see them under searches, but how to you get them back under the account
by sugars3036 on May 25, 2014



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