ClearCheckbook Money Management
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ClearCheckbook iPhone App 2.0 Pending Approval

3/8/2012 in ClearCheckbook News
We submitted the new iPhone app to the App Store this afternoon. The new 2.0 version of the app has been completely re-written and will run much more efficiently than the last one.

Here are some of the upgrades made to the new app:
  • Numeric keypad on amount entries
  • Easier to navigate and click on items
  • Less loading messages
  • Built on a framework for easier future updates
  • It doesn't crash every time you open the app

It took a full week for the existing app to get approved, so we'll keep our fingers crossed that this doesn't take quite so long.

The app will also work much better on the iPad and we'll also be working on optimizing it some more to take advantage of the larger iPad screen.

Comments for this post:

And a week has gone by! Oh well, it was a nice thought it wouldn't take as long this time! Lol! Hopefully it'll be anytime now. Thanks for the hard work and keeping us updated!
by on Mar 15, 2012
Sill awaiting review
Yeah, I know. I check the status a few times a day and it's still currently "Waiting for review". I have no idea why it takes so long for Apple to get apps through the review process.
by Brandon on Mar 15, 2012
Well, I am sure you know by now that it is available in the App Store. I just downloaded it, and I must say it is a huge improvement over the previous version! Thank you for bringing this product to market. I did notice however, that when entering in amounts, the numeric keyboard does not come up as you had mentioned in a previous blog. It would be nice to have the numeric keypad come up for easier entry. It would also be nice if you could set a default account, that way you are not forced to choose an account every time you enter a transaction. I am almost always entering into my checking account, and not my savings or any other account. Finally, what's the chance of having the pay to field have suggestions enabled similar to the website?
by on Mar 15, 2012



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