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ClearCheckbook App to manage finances on Android phones!

2/4/2010 in ClearCheckbook News
ClearCheckbook is proud to announce the release of the ClearCheckbook app for Android phones! Now you have the ability to view your balances, add, view and manage transactions, manage your accounts and manage your spending categories all from your Android phone!

You can learn more about the Android application as well as find a user manual here:

We will be working on enhancing the UI and adding some more features to the application as time goes on. We wanted to get a functioning app out first so everyone could at least start using it.

Comments for this post:

Just downloading to my droid and so far so good. Thanks!
by joelankow on Feb 4, 2010
Just far so good!
by ERIC720 on Feb 5, 2010
I have been waiting for this and I love it. Thanks for developing it.
by scottsacha on Feb 5, 2010
Just downloaded it on my wife's phone. Works great! If only us Blackberry users could get an app as well, then the universe would be happy. :)
by skytrek on Feb 5, 2010
WOW, Droid and Palm get an app before iphone. I just wonder how that occures when iPhone has been out so much longer.
by lsufan861 on Feb 5, 2010
The iPhone app will be coming out soon. We haven't forgot about it.
by SiliconTrance on Feb 5, 2010
This app was the main reason I came back to CCB and upgraded to premium. Thanks guys.
by dbpromskelton on Feb 5, 2010
Awesome, thanks!!
by larrywoods on Feb 5, 2010
I just downloaded this to my droid...great app!! I will be using this everyday.
by criket1220 on Feb 5, 2010
memo section
Could you add the memo section like on the site.
by scottsacha on Feb 6, 2010
Thanks so much Brandon, makes adding transaction a breeze without having to open the browser!!! i give it 20 stars....
by kirklandjoseph on Feb 9, 2010
I have been using the mobile web page on my droid..... so glad to have this app!
by KellyCoe.old.1564355392 on Feb 24, 2010
"Jiving" between phone app and internet
Is there a way to "jive" with my online account so I don't have to re-enter online to get the reports view and spending limits?
by kblock2056 on Mar 6, 2010
Thanks for making the Android app!
by 179 on Mar 28, 2010
Seriously, you ROCK!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I just got an Android, and now I can use this app! Please, NEVER take your site away. I even use it to help me do my taxes :)
by geekiemommie on Jun 21, 2010



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