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Attention: Internet Explorer 6 Users

2/7/2008 in ClearCheckbook News
If you're using Internet Explorer 6, we would like to strongly encourage you to either upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 or more preferably, download and start using Mozilla Firefox.

It seems like more and more of the emails coming into us about login issues or data not getting updated (because it's getting cached by IE when it shouldn't) all revolve around the fact that Internet Explorer 6 is an extremely outdated browser and should not be used.

If you're forced to use IE6 and cannot upgrade for some ungodly reason, please try the following instructions if you're having the following issues:

Trouble Logging In
-Click this link to ensure cookies are cleared:
-Refresh the page about 10 times in a row really quick (sounds strange, but it helps clear things out from memory)
-Clear your cache (instructions here:
-Close your browser and start it again
-Try logging in

Pages not updating when you add transactions... or accounts are showing up empty:
-Refresh the page about 10 times in a row really quick (sounds strange, but it helps clear things out from memory)
-Clear your cache (instructions here:

If you are still having issues and have tried the above instructions, please send us an email and let us know. Please strongly consider upgrading to a new browser if you're able to.

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