ClearCheckbook Money Management
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4 Million Transactions and a V3 Update

11/10/2008 in ClearCheckbook News
Some time last night we surpassed 4,000,000 transactions stored in our database. It has been 4 months since we hit the 3 million transaction mark.

ClearCheckbook v3 is still in beta testing right now. We have most of the bugs worked out of the site and are currently working on the iPhone webapp version. We should have this done by the end of the week and release it to beta testers at that time.

There was a question about the server upgrade that was canceled earlier in the month. We still plan on upgrading the server (We bought the new hard drives and ram), we are just waiting until we are closer to launch to do this.

We're getting close, just hang tight a little longer.

Comments for this post:

Sounds good!
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date. The beta site has been looking great and I am sure that it'll be a huge hit once you bring it to final.

I'm also REALLY looking forward to trying out the iPhone native app. Keep up the great work.
by on Nov 10, 2008
Waiting for the V3 ... thanks for giving an update.
by madhukar4e on Nov 10, 2008
Congrats on the 4,000,000! Won't be long until you hit 5.
by tylste on Nov 10, 2008
Great website
I use Clearcheckbook since May and i think it's one of the most useful internet websites, i'm very curious to see the V3 version! ;-)
by oxygenetic on Nov 12, 2008
iPhone webapp?
Why work on the iPhone webapp instead of a native app? What benefit is there?
by thenolan on Nov 12, 2008
RE: iPhone webapp?
Because the same app will work on other devices like the HTC G1 and many other full touch screen phones.
by Brandon on Nov 12, 2008
For a time, there was a donate button on the bottom of the page - now it's gone. Can I donate your project somehow?
by neo_21670 on Nov 13, 2008
Thanks for the update. It's always nice reading about the future improvements of clearcheckbook. Can't wait V3 rolls out.
by anijhenry on Nov 13, 2008



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