ClearCheckbook Money Management
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2011 Year Roundup and ClearCheckbook\'s Future

1/6/2012 in ClearCheckbook News
We wanted to share with you a roundup of ClearCheckbook during 2011 and a sneak peak into what we have in store for 2012. Getting right to it, 2011 was a great year for ClearCheckbook. We had a total of 44,563 new user signups (which comes to about 122 signups per day). All of our stats were up across the board from 2010. The screenshot below shows 2011 (blue) compared to 2010 (orange) for total visits to the site.

In 2011 we had 2,085,159 visits (374,202 unique) to the site which racked up an impressive 12,646,329 pageviews. The average person visits 6 pages each time they come to the site and spends an average of 7:30 on the site. As we said above, all of these stats are up from 2010.

During the year we weren't just sitting around twiddling our thumbs either. In 2011 we released two completely new tools, the Bill Tracker and the Debt Snowball tool. We also released 3 new large features to existing tools: Checking for Duplicate Transactions on import, Saved Searches and Saved Custom Reports, and the Premium Groups feature. In addition to the new tools and features, we also completely overhauled several existing functions of the site such as the Import tool, Estimating Future Balances, Reports, Currency Conversions, Bill Tracker and our entire database. On top of all that we still managed over 100 bug fixes and minor updates.

So with all of that covered, what's in store for 2012? The first half of the year is going to focus on digging through our backlog of requests and suggestions and working on introducing any that we feel will benefit the majority of our members. We're also going to completely scrap the existing iPhone app and build something that actually works the way it was supposed to from the start. Along those same lines, the mobile optimized website will be getting a complete overhaul to make it more usable and give it access to some of the newer tools and features.

We'd also like to thank everyone who sends us email with testimonials and praise and those of you who spread the word of the site to your friends and family! You're the reason we do what we do.

Comments for this post:

2011 Review
I just logged in as a premium user today. I have to say I was very skeptical whether this could do what I needed it to do since I was using Quicken for the last almost 10 years. Even though this system does not bring over my transactions via an update I like how easy it is to use and enter transactions on my own.

So far so good as far as I can tell.

by on Jan 8, 2012
transaction type = transfer is working now
one small nice little thing, when selecting old description with transaction = transfer, from account and to account change correctly, i like it :D
by tidzar on Jan 9, 2012
transaction type = transfer, change is wrong
hi, its working but wrong entry , when decription is transaction A to B, the from account is B and to account is A, its wrong, please check
by tidzar on Jan 9, 2012
transfer auto-complete
tidzar, this has been updated.
by SiliconTrance on Jan 9, 2012
re: transfer auto-complete
perfecto !
by tidzar on Jan 10, 2012
Congrats on your continued success. Keep it up, I keep telling people about it, but not sure if they are using it yet. People can be funny with tracking their finances and I'd rather not start a heated discussion about someone elses finances, so....
by PHishHead on Jan 10, 2012
New Site
Last year you mentioned that you were starting work on a brand new site, is that still the plan or are you are going to start releasing updates gradually throughout the year?
by MJRoberts55 on Jan 11, 2012
re: New Site

We were planning on releasing an entire refresh to the site but after a little more planning we realized our time would be better spent releasing gradual updates to the existing version one at a time instead of focusing all our efforts to hit one giant new refresh.

A lot of the new features we had planned for the new version have already been released. Now it's just a matter of cleaning up some of the backend code to make things a little smoother and we've essentially accomplished everything one giant refresh would have done.
by SiliconTrance on Jan 11, 2012
So far, So good!
I have been looking a while for an online site that is browser based and has a mobile app that I can access using Linux and firefox. I have tried other sites but most fell short of my expectations. I was all ready to go back and give mvelopes a try when I found out their pricing structure had changed and the site was garbage now. The "free trial" wouldn't even let me enter all my accounts. That is when I stumbled on in a blog post. I signed up the same day. The site is simple, elegant, and in these respects reminds me a lot of Linux. Did I say the site was elegant? I love the look of all the elements and how they all come together. I would like to see more functionality, but for now the site is more than adequate for my needs. I only wish the actual android mobile app allowed access to bill reminders and some of the more advanced features of the site. I know there is a mobile version, but the app is much easier to use. Thanks for bringing such a great product to the table.

Daniel M.
by falcon56215 on Jan 13, 2012
Offline Android App with Sync
I have to commend you on your product. I've been a subscriber now for just over a year, and reviewing our family spending habits has been an eye opener.

You mention that in 2012 you'll be reviewing users requests. I want to highlight one, an offline app for Android.
The only account we are struggling to track is the cash account. Cash spent needs to be entered immediately or is often forgotten (if no receipts). The current android app obviously only works (well) where there is a decent connection.
It shouldn't need to be connected just to work. It needs to be superfast at entering transactions, and sync them up later when a connection returns. I would love to see that prioritised! There have been several requests in the forum also.

Also, some suggestions:
1. Add a calculator widget to the site. Sometimes it would be handy to have it right there on the site for quick maths (e.g. calculating amounts for split transactions from a single receipt).
2. The Cloud view in reports shows every amount with a USD$ symbol, no matter what currency you are setup to use in your settings. Presume this is a bug.
3. A goal calculator/tracker would be great. Something that gives info on how long it will take to save for something. I am using the Debt Snowball tool for that at the moment, rather than tracking debts, but a specific tool for goals would be great.
4. The budgeting tool is very handy, but I'd love to see it possible to set longer term budgets, instead of just monthly. I'm checking to see if the rollover option will work for me but I would like to be able to set a budget for an entire year (or six months, or whatever) on some category, so I know as the year progresses how much I've spent on that category to date in a nice clear format.

Keep up the great work.
by Dermot on Feb 1, 2012
Iphone app
Please change the iphone app to include a number pad when entering money amounts instead of using the alphabet keyboard with the numbers going across.
by elphabamark on Feb 8, 2012
This is good stuff!
Using your free application really helps me to keep my spending in check and my balances in order. I plan to upgrade to your paid addition soon as I'll be needing the ability for another person to log on, and also to take advantage of the additional reports. Thanks!
by miketurco on Feb 14, 2012
Great to hear the roadmap.
I won't tackle you with feature requests here. I've dumped them elsewhere. Thanks for the hard work.
by hollister on Feb 16, 2012
focus in 2012
Great to here that in 2012 you will "focus on digging through our backlog of requests and suggestions and working on introducing any that we feel will benefit the majority of our members."

I recommend that you commit to managing the feature suggestion tool as you get through the backlog. If it were being used, you would already know what the majority of your members want. At this time the site is a bit confusing for users who do not understand how to use the tool for a new feature suggestion and how it relates to the discussion forum. Even if they did know how, the feature list is not being actively managed. Hopefully this will change in 2012.

Good luck in 2012 and keep up the good work.
by ab4scherer on Feb 26, 2012
New Item for 2012?
I will just say this app has been a HUGE help in me getting my finances straight. I love the fact i can add transactions with future dates therefore it will helps me know how much money i actually have to spend.

I am using the recurring transactions to remind me of payments and bills that are due and i notice that the Estimate Future Balances uses this info to calculate future balance by incorporating the recurring bills and charges i have.

I would like to see an option to add paydays. Meaning i get paid the same amount every 2 weeks so if i can add it in and then run Estimate Future Balances-it will now give me a MORE accurate estimate.

Just thought i would share this idea. Thanks for such a great product!
by Cflores08 on Jun 6, 2012



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